Determination of D5 Data of Serdos I Wave Year 2020
Dear Participants of Phase I Lecturer Certification in 2020
We here by convey further information related to Teacher Certification for Lecturers (Serdos) for Phase I of 2020, as follows:
- Directorate of Resources is supported to upload D5 Serdos (DYS) data on the SISTER application.
- pass D5 data will be included in the implementation of the next wave of Serdos on D4.
- DYS Self-filling Period Period 13 to 20 May 2020.
- Final data on portfolio submission by PSD-PTU on 22 May 2020.
- DYS and PSD-PTU discuss the completeness of data and documents on DYS Curriculum Vitae (CV) such as assessment, research, publication, Pekerti / AA certificate (as a substitute for TKBI / TKDA). If until the deadline for filling the Self Description data and documents on the CV is not yet complete, the DYS portfolio system cannot be requested by PSD-PTU. This DYS will be included in the next wave of Serdos on D5.
Good attention and cooperation, we thank you.
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