Tim Universitas Medan Area berkunjung ke Kosulat Jenderal Malaysia di Medan pada Kamis, 24 Juni 2021 bertempat di Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.43. Wakil Rektor Bidang Kerjasama Dr. Ir. Zulheri Noer, MP bersama Pimpinan Fakultas yang ikut dalam kunjungan ini di …
Universitas Medan Area melalui Bagian Kepegawaian saat ini membuka peluang untuk mengisi kekosongan Tenaga Dosen bagi yang belum memiliki NIDN Nomor Induk Dosen Nasional) maupun yang telah memiliki NIDN (Pindah Homebase Eksternal) di lingkungan Universitas Medan Area dengan rincian sebagai …
Most students aspire to attending college, making friends and partying hard. However, if you’re hoping to achieve success, then this is not going to be reality for you. You have to focus on your education first; having fun comes second. …
Tips Graduate From College Using These Great, Lots of young people dream of having the opportunity to attend college and be free to socialize and party. However, if you are looking to succeed, this is not what college will be …
Out Of College With These Tips! While going off to college is an exciting time, it is also one set with challenges. It is a big transition in life and will broaden both your education and life skills. It can …
Most people find college to be thrilling. It can also be less enjoyable. Many people don’t know what they should expect in college and are therefore uncomfortable. Prepare yourself for college life by picking up as much information as possible. …
Most students aspire to attending college, making friends and partying hard. However, if you’re hoping to achieve success, then this is not going to be reality for you. You have to focus on your education first; having fun comes second. …
Going to college is something you will remember your whole life regardless of what you study, where you live, or which clubs you join. College is a great opportunity to develop your personality, make new friends and find some new …
It’s hard to begin college. It’s a different world, and you have to meet a new set of people. Adjusting to the college environment can be challenging at first. This article has tips to make it a bit simpler for …
Universitas Medan Area Berkedudukan di Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara membuka kesempatan kepada Lulusan Magister dan Doktor untuk berkarir menjadi Dosen yang akan ditempatkan pada Program Sarjana dan Program Magister: